Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Facebook Effect: Crystal

On a positive note, our children came out of school this afternoon to celebrate a family birthday. I talked in advance with the Attendance Vice President, the children requested their assignments a day ahead of time, and turned any work due in before leaving school. I told the complete truth about where and why we would be missing school. The Attendance officer appreciated our honesty, the fact that parents were aware of all the subjects being missed and parents were planning to have missed work done before leaving. Nevertheless he will count it as an unexcused absence. So be it. 

My children are not behind in any subjects and are good students. Responsible parenting requires that parents do what is necessary for students to do their best academically. Many educators realize that means parents need to take children out of the classroom. The family bonding and emotional security yield far greater dividends than just keeping a seat warm at school. Parents need to give the "I care" time because children naturally want to please their parents and do their best. No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top have done more destroy good education than render any aid to our children.

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