Recently I was able to directly visit with a medical physician, also a RN. I ask point blank what they thought of this new truancy law. To the best of my knowledge, unable to quote word for word answers, this was the reply.
Answer: If government/state/teachers/county attorneys/school officials etc. want to step up and deny a child of any age an excused absence from school do to sickness then they should be prepared when this law results in a huge lawsuit against the schools/state/even the governor and whoever else when an issue arises such as:
Do to the fact parents are being forced to send their child/children to school even though they are ill, because of the truancy law, enforcement is endangering not only the sick child but other children and school professionals. There are highly contagious diseases/sickness that are air born and will spread quickly and these children are being forced to go to school sick because the law has put fear into parents. It is insanity! Sever medical conditions could result and will result eventually endangering the health/well being of a child.
Those that put this law in effect did so without any common sense what so ever when they stipulated no medical excuse would be excused. I should add that the medical portion is only one huge flaw in this truancy law there are other big factors pertaining to this truancy law that will eventually be challenged. Not only are parents angered by this law there are many of us in the medical profession that are also.
I did not ask permission to use publically the medical professionals name therefore will not do so. And again the above answer is not a quote as I can’t remember the exact wording of the reply, but to the best of my knowledge was the given reply.
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