Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Persuade Your School Board to Support the Fulton Bill

Crystal Young, an NFF team leader, went to her school board Monday evening in Gretna and educated them about the goals of the Nebraska Family Forum, and  about why Nebraska’s “truancy” law is broken and needs to be fixed. She said, “The board is pretty laid back and ignorant of most of the stories associated with this law.” She read to them a short synopsis of the stories that illustrate the personal impact this law has had on many families, and the NFF mission statement from 'NFF: Memorandum of Understanding.' She then provided them an overview of the three bills that have been introduced to address the problems.

She encouraged the Board to support Fulton's bill, LB 1165 - to return power to local districts, give parents the power to work with their district school boards to set acceptable attendance policies which protect families from government intrusion, and still define truancy and give districts power to expose educational neglect. She believes they understood her arguments for the Fulton bill.

My feeling is that we need to have one person take the 5 minutes at the beginning of every School Board meeting in every district in the state to encourage them to support the Fulton Bill. Most school boards are unaware of the full scope of the issues surrounding the law, and would appreciate being provided clear and easy-to-read documents that provide clarification.

The team leaders of the NFF are very busy working for a victory on the Fulton bill in the Judiciary Committee, and there is much to be done. We need the support of all parents across the state who are concerned about the effects of this law now and in the future. Please arrange your schedules so that you can attend your school board meeting, add your efforts to Crystal's, and increase our chances of fixing this law in the best possible way for every Nebraska family.

Here are the documents I recommend that you provide to your school boards:

Three legislative bills in 2012 seek to solve problems with the 2010 law:

Sen. Fulton Introduces Bill to Restore Local Control Over School Attendance

Memorandum of Understanding to Amend Nebraska’s Truancy Law

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